The choice of black and white was simply due to the film that I had in my camera.
But, the reality of this photo is not what’s in it, but what’s not in it. You don’t feel the quiet of the early summer morning, undisturbed by the roar of car engines or barking of dogs out for the morning walk… You don’t hear the chirping of the birds, the gentle rustle of the leaves, the golden rays of the sun that just crested the horizon to the left, flooding everything in warm light… You can’t really experience the ethereal beauty of the mist rising from the river…
How sad it is to be a person who sees the world in terms of black and white. They see only matter, zeros and ones, and at the same time, they are not able to see the Infinity that lies beyond.
May Allah grant us a heart’s film that captures the reality of what He wants us to see.