Adhkar after salah
Adhkar of the morning and evening
This audio is a recitation of the evening adhkar. Approrpriate word substitutions would be needed if reciting the adkhar of the morning:
Salat al-Fatih
This salawat is recited ten times in both the morning and evening adhkar:
Salat al-Nariyya / Nasiriyya
This salawat is recited after every salah eleven times:
Salat al-Munjiyya
This salawat is recited at the close of both the morning and evening adhkar:
May Allah help us summon the sincerity, resolve and perseverance to make this litany (wird) our life-long companion. Our scholar-saints teach that the gift of constancy in Divine remembrance is the royal edict of a relationship of intimate- friendship (wilaya) with Allah. May we be of them, by His solicitous grace. Amīn.